Thursday, October 31, 2019
European Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
European Union - Essay Example However, the idea of Europe cannot be entirely appreciatedwithout having the mentality of historical evolution of the Europe continent prior tothe periods of World War II and by extension the recent integration process that has been realized in the United States of Europe. By definition, stagnation in economic sense implies that there is a noticeable cease in motion, progress or generally activity. The progress as well as stagnation has been both customary and yet understandable stages in the expansion of the European Union and its antecedent, the European Communities (EC). European integration has had a kind of stop-and-go or an oscillating developmental pattern since the inception of the idea after the First World War (Louis Meuleman 2008; p. 401). Several factors have worked in a bid to understanding and shaping the composition and the future of the Union, for example issues like the adoption of a Constitution for the EU; the extension of EU membership to slot in ten new Member States; the ballot vote to the European Parliament; as well as the recommendation of a novel European Commission. In the 70s there was huge realization of lack of advancing the idea of EU among the member states. Citizens of independent member states were duly considered the then obstacles to the strong establishment and expansion of the EU. For instance, citizens of nations like the Netherlands and France at one time are in record having voted for their countries to pull out of the EU, leaving the reform process. In this regard at least according to Cini, (2007, 442); Citizens continue to disengage from the EU institutions, including what is ostensibly 'their' Parliament; the richer member states are seeking to reduce their contribution to the EU budget rather than increasing it to allow equitable treatment of the then new entrants in cohesion and agricultural aid. In fact the EU integration crisis in 70s Cini, (2007, 442) continue to declare, precipitated a situation dabbed Eurosclerosis. Eurosclerosis she explains further that it is the time period when the political integration in Europe mired. Fundamentally, it was the outcome of authority decisions in member states and by extension acute prevailing lack of public concern in regarding the condition of the European integration. There was also member state party politics as well as ethnicity issues (Bache, Ian & Stephen George 2006; 273). The principal issue here was how member states made policy decisions to shape their preferences regarding the EU (Folke, C., T. Hahn, P. Olsson, & J. Norberg, 2005; 361). The independent member states held varied political culture as well as big picture opinions of their national interest and preferences. These factors are by extension shaped by complicated bundles of issue-specific factors which further depends on negotiations between the EU27 members and t he apparent constantly shifting patterns of domestic politics within each member states. A pretty good example, according to Cini (2007, p. 450) is the French 'Non' to the Constitutional Treaty motivated by the then president. The French resisted the recommended liberalization of services in the Single Market which has been a prime EU policy, commonly called Bolkestein Directive. There is therefore divergent views on
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Societies and cultures Essay Example for Free
Societies and cultures Essay Societies and cultures in olden times used to live in isolation as means of transport were very slow. Men either travelled from one place to another on foot or animals like horses and camels were used. Cultural exchange used to take place when the invaders overran a country or traders came. The process of Globalization has been initiated by faster means of travel sophisticated technological advancement in communication like media and the internet boom. It has made information available to an individual at the click of a button . There is lot of foreign investment which entails creation of job opportunities. As a result economic prosperity and ideas of the developed nations are being incorporated in the societies of these countries. a kind of cultural exchange is taking place as trade and commerce is flourishing. Multinational companies are bringing western ideas to the developing nations. The term globalization was almost a nonentity before1990 ((Lewellen, 2002, p. 7) It is catch phrase of the contemporary society. According to Stanley Barrett â€Å"Human society is in the process of being transformed to a degree possibly not seen since the Industrial Revolution. The process can be summed up by the term globalization. †(Stanley Barrett 1999:258). The result of these interactions is asocial change in different cultures. Family is a basic unit of society in any culture. It is an institution which stands for cohesion solidarity, social order and continuity. The challenges faced by this building block of society is very important as A contrasting study of the families of the developed country like America and a developing country like India is going to elucidate the changes that are being brought about by globalization. The Family unit in U. S has undergone a lot of transformation some of the indicators can be the number of children living with both the parents in 1963 was 91% and it declined to 73% in 1997. (Waite Nielsen, 2001, p. 25) The formation of family revolves traditionally around marriage . The age at which the first marriage is taking place has steadily increased . In 1950s the young women married at the age of 20 but it has increased to 28 yrs as women are more and more getting career oriented. Late marriages are also responsible for decrease in fertility rate. The population decline has many factors but it is one of the major reasons of decline. Single person household are accounted for 20% homes in case of males and 12% in case of females in United States in 1970. The striking similarity between both the countries is that they single family is by and large headed by women . There are other factors which are responsible for the decline of the family in America. It is very interesting that though the age at which first marriages are taking place has increased to an average of 28 years in case of females but the age at first incidence of premarital sex has declined. It has become and accepted behavior by the society . it is no more considered an abnormal behavior. United States is among the leading countries as far as pregnancies out of wedlock are concerned. India is as far as premarital sex is concerned quite conservatives . The exact figures of Premarital sexual encounter is largely undocumented as there is a stigma attached to it. Although it can be quite reliably said that a kind of sexual liberalism is in the making . The acceptance and the prevalence of Valentines day is indicator of the acceptance of these ideas Till the till the 1990 s it was an enigma but now every town and city is reverberating to these ideas . It would be wrong to say that promiscuity was not an acceptable social practice . Especially the Hindu culture is full of the examples of the sexual liberalism. In fact it is the reason why the western concept of cohabitation and sexual freedom gained so much popularity. Various forms of family are there in United States like the extended family, the single-parent family, the â€Å"blended family†(where previously married spouses with children remarry), and the â€Å"part-time-parent†family (where a parent is only with the rest of the family for weekends). Changes in the structure of the family is severely effect the health and well being of children The divorce rate is very high in American society . More than half of the marriages end up getting divorced and it has been studied that children of such households have more likelihood of cohabiting and premarital sex which can result in pregnancies (Le Bourdais et al1998) Children in single parents family have lower academic excellence both at high school and university level. Marriage is a precursor to the formation of the family. It is very sacred institution in which there is no escape. The Indian society is primarily a patriarchal society and male members are the bread winners and the bearer of authority. Women’s role at the best can seen as complementary she is considered as an ardhangini or the other half. The economic independence and the transportation of the Ideas of equality coupled with the emphasis on the material wellbeing have resulted in the acceptance of the women working outside the precincts of their homes. There is consistent increase in the incidence of the family of nuclear family and the reasons of this rise is urbanization, industrialization, globalization and decrease in the fertility rates since 1961 (Niranjan, Nair Roy, 2005) The southern India which has lower fertility rates have seen a shrinking the family size . The size of he family dependent on the economic status as upper class have lesser tendency to form a nuclear family . it is independent of the caste and religion. Class is a predominant aspect of most of the nation states. The major distinction between the haves and the have not is of relevance to most societies . The class system in the Indian society is very rigid as those who are born in a particular class can not move up the hierarchy come what they may do. The Varna system is a social system was based on skills and qualification . Asocial change was seen as a result of the modernization and interaction with the west in the form of the colonial occupation. Since the middle class is the most representative of the society of any country . Therefore it has been taken as indicator of the change . The organization or the structure of the family remains the same irrespective of the class distinction. The social class in the American society is strictly on the basis of the economic standing of the individuals . It is broad spectrum of society that can range from the Janitor to the manager. We are contrasting the effect of globalization on a middle class family of the developing country like India and the developed country like America. The middle class in India comprises of a mosaic of various culture and religion. Class does play an important role in the character and the speed of the changes that are occurring as a result of the globalization. In the present context class in the Indian society is being defined more by the economic status than by the social order of the olden times which owed its existence to the Vanaashramdharama. It is the economic compulsions which is resulting in the middle class families in India to move away from the traditional model of family to amore western concept There are certain similarities how these changes have been perceived in both the American and the Indian middle class like the acceptance of the role of women in the mainstream has been gradual. There are differences between the middle class of the two countries . India is by far more conservative as far as the role of women in society is concerned . Household duties is still the pejorative of the women . She is doubly burdened as she has keep the hearth as well as earn to enhance the material wellbeing of her family members THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCE Globalization is seen by many as an economic phenomenon as there is an influx of capital in the national economy. There is an immense interaction of the local economy with the international market. The economic changes that are taking place as a result of globalization are having an impact on the family structure of the developing countries like India . We are seeing a shift from the joint family system to the nuclear family structure. Many factors contributed to the disintegration of the joint family. Multinational companies have captured the national economies and hence a lot of job opportunities have been created. Women are increasingly becoming economically independent . This is a step towards an empowerment of women but it doesn’t indicate that all sorts of gender bias that have traditionally been prevalent in the Indian family structure has been eradicated. Family structure provided a kind of social security net for the most vulnerable members of our society . The old and the infirm and kids enjoyed the security and safety of their homes. The multinational companies have entered the Indian market and are eroding the value system of the traditional societies. There is a prevalence of dual earners in the middle class as a result the moms are not performing their traditional roles of caregivers which were unpaid labor. However the increase in the income of the middle class family has lead to increase in the living standards of the average middle class family. These trends is result of globalization as the in the west working women is the norm of society. The economic independence of women was precursor to a higher divorce rate in the contemporary Indian society. Many women are opting out of abusive marriages as they are economically independent. Despite this fact the divorce rate in India is among the lowest. It stands at 1. 1%where as in America it is 54. 8% according to Wikipedia. The Indian society is in transition and divorce and remarriages are slowly gaining acceptability. It is difficult to get the exact figures of divorce rates because the divorces are filed at the local courts. The women seeking information on how to obtain a divorce through telephone helpline of The Delhi Commission for Women has increased from 20% to 2000% Traditionally marriages in the Indian society could not be annulled it was a sacrosanct relationship and there was no way of getting out of it. Liu is quoted by Science Daily said â€Å"Not only the United States, but also other countries, including developing countries such as China and places with strict religious policies regarding divorce, are having more divorced households, The family structure historically had a survival and welfare function . The member of a family like the women and the children were economically dependent on the male earning member for the fulfillment of their needs The Indian family system was primarily patriarchal . despite the fact that Indian family has various strains because of the different cultures and religion practiced One thing that I common is the fact that it is primarily a male centered unit . The call centre culture is a recent phenomena and the impact of it on the Indian society is by and large undocumented . The new found economic independence of the youth is disturbing the hierarchical structure of the family system. The parental authority is continuously diminishing as the offspring are becoming economically independent. There is shift from parental authority to Co-operation from obedience to exploration. It is a commonplace experience in the Family structure of The American society that the unmarried children who are above 18 years of age to go and live outside the family home . The new found economic independence can be seen as a precipitator of the same trend. The traditional role of women as caregivers has seen a paradigm shift as they are more and more employed and a shift towards smaller families have created a situation in which caring for the elderly and sick is becoming difficult . there is lot of geographic mobility and the lower fertility rates are contributing to the unavailability of persons that can act as care givers. There is an absence of social security net for the elderly consequently they are the worse hit There are no alternatives for them the old homes are either in bad shape or they are not available. In grave contrast to their American counterparts they are rich The old are a target of the advertizing agencies as they have a lot of spending power. The elderly population which can be used as a source of education and the influence of social class on families. Are there similarities in families of same social class in different culture? Whose influence is more culture or economics EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION ON FAMILIES Globalization has brought the modern concept of individual freedom at the doorstep of the developing nations . The demand for the excellence of the individual creates a tension which not only felt by him but by the entire family . It is affecting the parent offspring relationship. The emphasis on material success has disturbed the proviso institution and it has created a problem for the aged and the week and the children who have lost a caregiver . Some of the positive aspect of Globalization is women emancipation and lowering of the fertility rate and poverty . These are problems that the developing nations are facing Globalization has decreased if not completely eradicated this problem. REFERENCES Hertz and Nancy L. Marshall UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkeley  · Los Angeles  · London year 2001 Lewellen, 2002, p. 7The anthropology of globalization. SAHER MAHMOOD and SOMINI SENGUPTA As Mores Evolve, India’s Divorced Seek Second Chance. Retrieved March 30, 2008 from: http://www. nytimes. com/2008/02/14/world/asia/14remarry. html? _r=2ref=worldoref=sloginoref=slogin Waite Nielsen, 2001, p. 25. Working Families The Transformation of the American Home edited Rosanna
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Parallel Paths of Overprotected and Neglected Children
The Parallel Paths of Overprotected and Neglected Children Commercials and posters flood our daily lives by projecting images of helpless children who are in desperate need. Many people are aware of the children living in poverty, orphans, and abusive households. The media portrays neglected children who suffer from malnutrition, starvation, and the absence of love. In return, the advertised organization seeks for a small contribution of a dollar a day to help make a childs life better. However, what about the child who endures the exact opposite of neglect? Less attention is veered towards the silent abuse of parents who control their child to the extreme that they are actually hindering their development and performance by not allowing their child to grow and experience life healthily. Does a child who is overly cared for and overly protected by their extremely overprotective parent still possess a better life than the child who is neglected? Or is the overprotected child just as helpless as the neglected? Significance: The children today are the future and faces of tomorrow. A childs future is greatly influenced by his or her parents. A parent who is abusive restricts a child from possessing a healthy lifestyle and developing healthy relationships with other individuals. However, a parent who is over controlling will limit a child from developing essential skills necessary to govern and direct their own life in a positive and healthy manner. Yet many fail to acknowledge this and assume that parents are just being loving and caring; emotions that all parents and guardians are expected to express. Therefore, many people do not listen to these children and believes that their problems are not as severe as the children who suffer from physical or verbal abuse. This is significant to human development because many children suffer from the limitations their overprotective parents impose and do not have access to the same amount of help and assistant as children with abusive parents. Problem Statement: Through my research, I hope to raise public awareness of this silent abuse. Most importantly, I hope to reach out to parents who are over controlling, as well as abusive, and have them place their childs interests before their own. If a parent, who is over protective of their child, cares about their child deeply, then they should care more about their childs wellbeing rather than their own personal desires and expectations of their child. Literature Review: Parents who overprotect their child to the extreme can prevent their child from acquiring the basic fundamental skills of life. As a result, the child can become emotionally handicap and rely on his or her parent throughout their life. As stated by Cossentino, children in this situation are not able to develop a knowledge of independence and remains bound to the parent while the parent is bound in a cycle of overprotection (The Overprotected Child). This dangerous cycle leaves the child and parent bonded together in such a way that it is unhealthy for both members. The child relies on their parent immensely that the parent is responsible to attend to every single matter of the childs life; from basic chores, resolving a conflict, to communicating with acquaintances of the child. This often stifles the growth and development of a child, who cannot live without authority. Thus, the parent cannot leave this cycle because the parent raised the child in this manner. Children lack a knowledge of resolving conflicts and have a high chance of being rejected by their peers due to low confidence and an inability to stand up for oneself (Cossentino). With parents always protecting them, the child will never be aware of how to stand up for oneself and is unable to confront the realities of life. These children have the inability to be very social among others besides their own parents, which causes them to develop a low self-esteem as well as low self-confidence. The inability to make decisions on his or her own can cause a child to be unprepared for the future and is unable to live without a parent or authority figure. As stated by Cossentino, children will lack life-experiences of decision making, life skills, age appropriate freedom, and conflict resolution. An overprotected child becomes bound to a parent in a way that is similar to how a baby is bounded to its mother for the rest of its life. The child is completely unprepared for freedom and responsibility, finding it hard to exercise self-discipline and is more vulnerable to getting emotionally hurt. As argued by Guthrie and Matthews, Overprotecting parents can lead children to develop Peter Pan Syndrome (No More Push Parenting, 44). The Peter Pan Syndrome affects people who do not want or feel unable to grow up. In other words, people with the body of an adult but the mind of a child. Peter Pan was a fictional character who refused to grow up and had a never-ending childhood. Those with this syndrome do not know how or do not even want to stop being children and start being adults. These people are unable to grow up and take on adult responsibilities; they see the adult world as very problematic and glorify being a child, which is why they want to stay in that state of privilege. Children who have been neglected on the other hand are in complete control of their life and are forced to survive on their own. Neglected children do not have an authority figure and may be more likely to replace the unknown feeling of love with hate and anger. Children tend to try and please their parents to gain affection. However, when they cannot please their parents, they become filled with rage and take their anger out destructively (Nguyen). The violence neglected children seek for may be towards other individuals or other substances, but for some, they seek to hurt themselves. Children repress rage only to become depressed and suicidal (Watkins, A3). These children possess a great amount of emotion built up inside them that it becomes unbearable and hard to deal with. Thus, they try to fill the void of love in their life with other things or someones acceptance. As Andron stated, Children with low self-esteem search for someones acceptance, which usually winds down a damagin g path eventually set up for death or become life-threatening (23). More than likely, they fall under peer pressure or experiment with drugs and alcohol, anything to make them feel accepted. Because they lack a knowledge of what is normal or who to trust, they are more vulnerable to perpetrators and are often abused by their peers. One form of violence an individual may express is through school. For example, the University of Texas massacre in Austin left 18 dead while the Columbine High School took a death toll of fifteen, and the highest toll of thirty-three lives was the Virginia Tech massacre (Watkins, A3). When an individual commits a crime, he or she is questioned for the reason of their action. However, few people turn to the parents or even glance at the childs home life. Children turn to destructive manners for coping as a way to test if their parents really care for them or not (Nguyen). By hurting oneself, an individual tests the love of a parent, or to see if anyone else bothers to really care. Many parents are incapable of seeing the damaging effects of placing their own needs before their childs. They fail to see the atmosphere and living situation they created and forced their child to endure. Most importantly, they fail to treat and raise their child healthily. By overprotecting to the extreme, a parent not only shields a child from pain, but also robs the child of their adulthood by keeping them from developing friendships, intimate relationships, and independent skills along their journey of life. Thus, through neglect, a child is forced to learn how to survive through life on their own without the protection of a parent, without the love and guidance a parent has to offer, and without the comfort of a real family. Therefore, what is worse: overprotection or abandonment? Methodology: By listening to the personal stories of my volunteered subjects, I hope to obtain data that reflects whether or not both children, who are on opposite ends of the spectrum, share the same difficulties. The individuals I will choose will be children and their parents who reside in Cambodia. Cambodia is a poverty-stricken country and the home to many neglected children who roam the streets begging for food. Sadly, because of this, it will not be difficult to find a neglected child to speak with. The difficulty will be trying to find the parent or guardian of the neglected child and persuading him or her to share their own personal story. In addition, families who are wealthy have higher expectations for their children and try to mold their child into what they want by controlling every aspect of their childs life. Because of this, I will listen to the stories of a child is in a more well-off family and his or her parents story .
Friday, October 25, 2019
Logic & Perception :: essays research papers
Logic can be defined as the subject that teaches the rules for correct and proper reasoning or in simpler terms, it can be best described as common sense. Some refer to the "science" of logic but logic is really more than just a science. The science part â€Å"is the knowledge of the principles, laws, and methods of logic itself.†(Dolhenty, J; 2002). Logic must be put into action or else the knowledge provided within the science of logic is of little use. â€Å"We can, therefore, also speak of the "art" of logic, that is, the practical application of the science of logic to our everyday affairs.†(Dolhenty, J; 2002). Logic is not only intended to inform or instruct; it is also meant to assist in the proper use of our power of reasoning. As such, we can speak of logic as both a science and an art, a practical art meant to be applied in our everyday interactions. Critical thinking is the method used when deciding rationally what or what not to believe. It can simply be described as the process for the use of reason in the pursuit of the truth. When thinking critically one must assess all assumptions for validity and appropriateness using our logic as a basis. Although the two concepts are closely tied, it is possible for a person to be logical but not be thinking critically. In this paper we will discuss the nature of logic and how it relates to critical thinking. Logic and Critical Thinking Critical thinking involves knowledge of the science of logic, including how to analyze information and using corrective reasoning. To think critically one must understand the source and nature of knowledge and the nature of truth. Critical thinking is the basis of the science of logic and logic is that branch of knowledge which reflects upon the nature of thinking itself. The key to thinking critically is applying logic in the process. This can often become hard to do as we find it difficult to separate out perception from reality. Perception Perception is â€Å"the process by which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve and respond to the information from the world around them.†(Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn, 2003; p.2). Perceptions are our way of forming opinions about ourselves, others and everyday experiences. They serve as a filter through which information passes before it has an effect. Since perceptions are created based on everyday experience or interactions, it is feasible to deduct that we create numerous perceptions about various subjects everyday.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marge Piercy: Barbie Doll Poem Essay
The poem â€Å"Barbie Doll†is a powerful poem written by Marge Piercy. The title carries a lot of meaning because a Barbie Doll has been an icon in society. Society has a hold on individual’s lives, especially on women. Since 1960, it started to be an issue on women to fit in and become what others want them to be. Women, who adapt to society’s dictate, have to stop being themselves and become somebody else in order to please everyone else. Society tells us how to dress and acting order to be acceptable. By using television, the internet, magazines, billboards and even toys we see a mold of what women are supposed to look like. The world in our eyes make us women think we should look like a Barbie Doll. It is sad to see that this poem was written in 1969 and forty three years later, we realize that nothing has changed and the same barriers still exist. Marge Piercy, a feminist activist as well as a poet, novelist, essayist, and playwright melds the personal and the political in her writing. She writes frequently about women’s issues, particularly the ways in which women have been made to feel inferior, both about their minds and their bodies. Piercy began writing both poetry and fiction when she was fifteen. Marge wrote Barbie Doll in 1969. She was aware of the need to reform on what females shouldn’t feel about themselves and go through. In Marge Piercy’s â€Å"Barbie Doll†, we find a young girl growing up through the adolescence stage and look through only her appearance. The girl struggles a lot during her teenage years and she shows us the effects that can happen when the world only looks on the outside of a human being. (Sigit) The girl in this poem is presented with lifelike dolls, toy household appliances, and makeup. The girl in Barbie Doll is similar to most other girls who are presented with toys to prepare her for the roles of mother, housewife, and feminine beauty. To make clear that obviously not all girls fit into this mold of female social roles. Piercy makes reference to puberty: a time in a girl life where hormones are out of control and peers become judgmental. If one is not skinny, beautiful hair, and smile then she will be made fun of an outcast. Although the girl was healthy, intelligent, and strong she was still insecure. Her attributes were noticed because she was not beautiful. She was unable to embrace her talents and accept herself for who she was because of her physical appearance. Piercy writes how the young girl was advised to play along with the roles of society. The young girl should diet and try to change herself to fit social norms. She should not embrace who she is but she should conform to who society believes she should be. In the third stanza this girl had had enough. Piercy wrote, â€Å"So she cut off her nose and her legs then offered them up.†Did the girl kill herself? Did she get plastic surgery? Did she cut the Barbie dolls nose and legs off? (Piercy) As the last stanza discusses her death and the placing on of a putty nose, it is safe to say she killed herself, literally cutting off her nose and legs. She wanted to belong and be accepted and when she realized no matter what she did, it was not enough. The fifth and final stanza is extremely ironic. She is viewed by others as pretty at last. Why is she pretty? She is pretty because she is covered in makeup with a new nose, â€Å"dressed in a pink and white nightie.†Pink symbolizing femininity and white purity she is finally accepted in death. This is ironic because in death she is made to appear like someone she was not in real life. She is made to appear like the perfect Barbie doll. (Piercy) This poem demonstrates the roles of women and how they are expected to look and act a certain way. The girl in the poem represents all girls. It represents all girls in that there is one time or another that we do not feel accepted or perfect. (M) Bibliography M, Stephanie. Female Social Roles. 20 October 2012 . Piercy, Marge. â€Å"Barbie Doll.†Henderson, Gloria Mason, et al. Literature and Ourselves. New York: Pearson Education, Inc, 2009. 323-324. Sigit, Asih. WOMAN’S VALUES IN SOCIETY AS REFLECTED IN MARGE PIERCY’S†BARBIE DOLL†. 1 January 2007. 21 October 2012 .
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Bard College Costs and Admissions Data
Bard College Costs and Admissions Data With an acceptance rate of 56 percent, Bard College is considered a somewhat selective school. Bard is a test-optional school, meaning that students who didnt take or did poorly on the ACT or SAT, can still be considered for admission. Admissions to Bard are need-blind and test-optional, so a strong academic and extracurricular record are a must for this highly selective college. Since Bard uses the Common Application, students will have to complete the essay portion of that application. Applicants must also submit high school transcripts, letters of recommendation; optional materials include a resume of activities, awards, and art portfolios for those interested in the art programs at Bard. Admissions Data (2016) Bard College Acceptance Rate: 56%GPA, SAT and ACT Data for AdmissionTest ScoresSAT Critical Reading: 640 medianSAT Math: 620 medianACT Composite: 29 medianNote: Bard is a test-optional college Bard College Description: Located in Annandale-on-Hudson, a picturesque town about 90 miles north of New York City, Bard College is one of the countrys top liberal arts colleges. Bard prides itself on its faculty and a 10 to 1 student/faculty ratio. They tout 98 percent of classes having fewer than 30 students The faculty includes five MacArthur Fellows, and the school has been home to four recipients of the Nobel Prize in Literature. For a small college, Bard is remarkably international, with 22 percent of students representing 51 countries other than the U.S. On the athletic front, the Raptors compete in the NCAA Division III, within the Liberty League. Popular sports include basketball, soccer, lacrosse, swimming, and track and field. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 2,304 (1,970 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 42% Male / 58% Female96% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17) Tuition and Fees: $51,384Books: $950Room and Board: $14,540Other Expenses: $1,750Total Cost: $68,624 Bard College Financial Aid (2015- 16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 66%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 62%Loans: 48%Average Amount of AidGrants: $37,368Loans: $7,349 Academic Programs The most popular majors are Fine Arts, Languages and Literatures, Sciences, and Social Sciences. Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Soccer, Lacrosse, Baseball, Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, SquashWomens Sports: Swimming, Volleyball, Cross Country, Track and Field, Soccer, Lacrosse, Basketball, Tennis Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 86%Transfer-out Rate: - %4-year Graduation Rate: 69%6-year Graduation Rate: 78% Data Source National Center for Educational Statistics Bard and the Common Application Bard College uses the Common Application. These articles can help guide you: Common Application essay tips and samplesShort answer tips and samplesSupplemental essay tips and samples
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