Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Foreign Direct Investment And Developing Countries
Foreign direct investment plays a critical role in financing the development of emerging economies. Foreign direct investment benefits countries through a transfer of resources in the form of capital, technology, management of resources, creation of work opportunities, and a positive impact on the country’s balance sheet, typically through an increase in export volumes. These benefits are essential for sustainable growth and development of a country, especially for developing countries. Despite the important role that foreign direct investment plays in helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, many developing countries face challenges in accessing this source. Many countries that do have access to foreign direct investment are only given access in specific areas of business or of the country. Other countries, often those that needs it most, are overlooked by investors, missing out on this source of finance entirely. In Indonesia, eighty percent of foreign direct investment are confined to Java where the country’s capital is. Geographically focused approach of foreign direct investment prevents investors from capturing the full opportunity offered by developing countries. Resources need to be allocated to match the shifting distribution of each country’s growth. Understanding the priorities of central and local governments as well as determining how or where these align with business priorities is a tremendous challenge. The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo,Show MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Foreign Direct Investments On Developing Countries1667 Words  | 7 PagesThere is a general consensus that federal direct investments are thought to bring a considerate amount of economic well-being for developing countries. It is intriguing to observe the true effects of Federal direct investments on developing countries. While FDI has become an outcome of a more globalized world, some countries do not see the same benefits of this phenomenon as other countries. One country that has seen a heavy influx of foreign direct investment is India. This paper briefly addressesRead MoreIs Foreign Direct Investment always Beneficial to Developing Countries?565 Words  | 2 Pagesfor developing countries? The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on development is a much-debated topic. Over decades, many international financial institutions, such as the World Bank and the IMF, have increasingly promoted FDI. However, on the other hand, many NGOs, labor unions and civil society groups have emphasized the negative effects of FDI. Thus, to answer this question, we should always consider both of the pros and cons of FDI. In principal, foreign direct investment is usuallyRead MoreCorporate Strategy and Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries Such as India2715 Words  | 11 PagesIntroduction to Foreign Direct Investment Foreign direct investment (FDI), in its simplest term, is when a company from one country makes an investment into building a facility in another country, or when investments are made in order to acquire a certain stake in enterprises operating outside the economy and country of the investor. FDI plays an extraordinary role for firms wanting to operate and compete in a global business. It can provide a firm with new markets to penetrate, cheaper productionRead MoreForeign Direct Investment 1561 Words  | 7 PagesFor growing economies, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has momentous advantages over equity and debt capital flows. Most of the foreign firms that start their conduct of business in other countries, they not only come with capital but transfer modern technology, promote human capital by training the host country’s employees according to the change of technology to those countries, and this is the key for the development of the host country. According to author Direct Investment replicates aspire ofRead MoreForeign Direct Investment: Evolutions and Trends in Developing Nations1096 Words  | 5 Pageseconomy has evolved over the past few decades in an extreme fashion, regarding investment in particular and the way globalized enterprises are now investing in the developing world to increase their production, assets, and interconnected market networks (Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries, Finance and Development/March 1999). As a result of the changing trends of Foreign Direct Investment, developing countries have either benefited from them or stood behind others without any progressRead MoreEffects Of Foreign Direct Investment On Economic Growth1211 Words  | 5 PagesSchmeiser International Trade 17th October, 2015 Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Ghana Abstract It has been widely believed that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) assists developing countries with the much-needed capital for economic growth. Part of the foreign direct investment is the inflow of up to date technology and management skills. In this paper, I will investigate to what extent foreign direct investment inflows into Ghana affects the nation s Economic Growth andRead MoreRelationship between Stock Price and FDI Essay example1517 Words  | 7 Pagesand Social Statistics, Foreign direct investment defined as cross-border investment by other investors from the economy that had the objective to gain long term interest or benefit from other countries that need capital for development. FDI have divided into 3 categorty such as Horizontal FDI, plaform FDI and vertical FDI. Kimberly state that Foreign direct investment is global economic growth which are apply in all countries such as developing and emerging market countries. The main purpose of FDIRead MoreFree Trade Agree ments And Its Effects On Latin American Nations1187 Words  | 5 PagesAmerican countries are geographically and economically similar to the U.S., which makes them valuable partners in furthering America’s global initiatives. The United States has seen considerable economic returns since the advent of these free-trade agreements; however, there is a sense of uncertainty when the analysts examine the effects of FTAs on Latin American nations. The most apparent benefit for nations that choose to enter into Free-trade Agreements with the United States is investment. For LatinRead MoreResearch On The Determinants Of Economic Growth Is A Common1438 Words  | 6 Pageseconomic growth is an excellent indicator of well-being and the policy-makers want to know what fact2ors can affect this well-being. Previous literature has identified many factors which contribute to the well-being of a country and among these factors; Foreign Direct Investment is persistently seen. Economists have limited tools to measure well-being; reliance on GDP, GDP per capita, GDP growth rate, Human Development Index (HDI) and other such macroeconomic indicators are often used to measureRead MoreForeign Direct Investment Essay621 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Foreign Direct Investment Definition: An investment made by a company or entity based in one country, into a company or entity based in another country. Foreign direct investment has many forms. Broadly, foreign direct investment includes mergers and acquisitions, building new facilities, reinvesting profits earned from overseas operations and intra-company loans. Advantages of Foreign Direct Investment: 1- Develop Country: One of the primary benefits of foreign direct investment is that
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Theology of Illness - 651 Words
The spiritual significance of illness and suffering is a topic Christians continue to grapple with, as Larchet points out in The Theology of Illness. Scripture offers a wealth of wisdom and cues for understanding illness, health, and healing from a Christian perspective. Larchet analyzes the various and often contradictory Christian positions on health and illness, revealing how attitudes have shifted over time and with changes in medical technology, practice, and ethics. For example, St. Barsanuphius presents a comprehensive analysis of the spiritual significance of illness and suffering. One view holds that illness signifies a lack of faith; another presents illness in terms of a person who is offered the opportunity to develop a stronger faith, or whose faith is being put to a test like the story of Job. Ultimately, the latter remains the most helpful way to approach illness and healing from a Christian perspective. The essence of Christian health care is that, Healing itself, whi le resulting from natural processes, actually comes from God, (Larchet 116). There are several theoretical pitfalls a Christian may encounter when grappling with his or her illness or that of a loved one. For example, it may be tempting to place ones faith in modern medicine and forget that God provides the power with which to access, use, and succeed with modern medicine. This point of view is understandable given the secular nature of the modern medical system. Yet only God is responsibleShow MoreRelatedChristian Theory of Counseling Essays1211 Words  | 5 Pagesdisciplines of theology, psychology, and Scripture. In providing a holistic approach in to counseling individuals, it is prudent to survey one’s mind, body, soul, temporal systems, and super natural systems, in which all influence the person. A more complete plan of care may be offered when the contributions from both psychology and theology are offered. â€Å"The best interdisciplinary integration work usually comes from those who have formal or informal preparation in both psy chology and theology†(McMinnRead MoreCase Study1076 Words  | 5 Pagestreatment of persons with mental illness was their concern. I know my church’s reaction to John’s death is not normative of all churches, nor do I mean to indict all Christians for the response my local Christian community gave at that time. However, both Mental Health: the Inclusive Church Resource by Swinton and Vanier and Nancy Eiesland’s The Disabled God give examples of how Christian community can damage those who seem â€Å"different†, either due to mental illness or various disabilities. Both piecesRead MoreIntegrative Approaches Of Psychology And Christianity1331 Words  | 6 PagesGod’s presence everywhere they look and everything they do. Some may see it in a psychological way, always looking for the explanation of why something is the way it is. Together, theology and psychology can bring a different view and perspective that they never would have saw by themselves. Many people find that theology and psychology can draw from each other and be very beneficial. Neither view is wrong. They both just want to know the truth. Just like in the past few centuries, churches did notRead MoreThe Anxiety Cure Essay1182 Words  | 5 Pagesneed the power of God working in our lives. Health versus Illness Health consists of living a life of tranquility with the brain producing â€Å"happy messages†. Having the life that God intended us to live of being calm, serene, at peace, and happy. Anxiety takes away these messages and tranquility causing illness in one’s life â€Å"Stress depletes our natural brain tranquilizers†(Hart, 1999, p.5) resulting in panic which can be an acute illness called a â€Å"panic attack†or a chronic aliment known as â€Å"panicRead MoreHealthcare Faith and Healing1490 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Sikh, Shinto and Buddhist faiths, proceeds from a Christian healthcare perspective. To initiate the discussion, it is appropriate to first consider some of the Christian care-giving values that drive this perspective. Christian ethicality and theology are important forces in healing, especially through its invocation of spiritual hope. Hope is a sentiment which has commanded recognition as bearing a place of importance in human affairs throughout recorded history. This creates a documented associationRead MoreThe Bible And Worship Essay871 Words  | 4 Pagestheological education. Some churches end as a cult or never progresses in its teachings. Some pastors fell, quit, or stagnate; or worse became abusive, lonely, bitter, or disillusioned. These are significant for I saw the need to write our history and theology; and to educate pastors and leaders in addressing the needs of the church without them falling into a messiah complex. I dream of starting a Bible school, but also move beyond thatâ€â€of establishing a top university where graduates become contribut ingRead MoreThe Transmission Of Aids With Homosexuality863 Words  | 4 PagesHistorically, as a result of our fathers not wanting to be regarded as sanctioning behaviours at odd with the church’s theology, the church has always taken a conservative stance on sexual ethics. That said, ministers, till this very day, still link the transmissions of AIDS with homosexuality, a schismatic theological issue for all denominations, since it is much easier to deny the problem of diseased bodies and avoid talk of sex and sexually transmitted diseases. This will not be that kind of sermonRead MoreMarxism and Health Care1239 Words  | 5 Pagesand help to highlight the social determinants of health. The application of theoretical perspective being employed in regards to health can be further explored through the analysis of fundamental Marxist ideologies. The fundamental basis of Marxist theology has strong links to health as it is concerned with the distinction between the upper c lass and the lower class. In particular Marxism explores the working classes inability to exercise adequate control over the determinants of health. Through extensiveRead MoreSaint Thomas Aquinas Essay1591 Words  | 7 Pagesand a patron of catholic universities. Many religious orders study and follow the teachings and followings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. In this paper I have uncovered the true life of Saint Thomas Aquinas and his methods of Theology. He strongly emphasized his belief of theology through revolation. By looking further into his teachings, I have become more familiar and feel closer to my own personal faith. Saint Thomas Aquinas is one of the most famous saints of the Catholic Church. He is calledRead MorePsychology, Theology, And Spirituality Essay1665 Words  | 7 Pages Mark R. McMinn’s (2011) Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling establish a way to bring Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality to Christian Counselors. He introduces a replica of how to integrate the three disciplines in the counseling office. The purpose of the book is to instruct counselors how to integrate categories of Psychology, Theology and Spirituality into Christian Counseling. McMinn (2011) contends that many challenges both professional and personal face Christian
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Talbos Ng Kamote Tea Recipe and It’s Advantages Free Essays
This is how to make it: 1. Wash the camote tops (talbos ng camote) with water and vegetable and fruit liquid cleanser like that of Pigeon’s cleanser for baby bottles and toys. (It’s made of 100% food grade or edible ingredients and removes pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables. We will write a custom essay sample on Talbos Ng Kamote Tea Recipe and It’s Advantages or any similar topic only for you Order Now ) 2. Boil water in a pot. 3. Once the water is boiling, put the camote tops (leaves only) and let them boil for at least 5 minutes. 4. Steep some more for 5 minutes. 5. Remove the leaves (or talbos) using a strainer and set aside. You can make these leaves into a salad. It’s delicious too! 6. Pour on glasses (or cups if you want hot tea). 7. Squeeze 1-2 calamansi to get the juice and mix into the tea. You can add some more if you want it to have a stronger calamansi flavor. 8. Add a teaspoon (or more if you have a sweet tooth) of honey and mix. 9. Add some ice cubes for a refreshing and nutritious iced tea! Now, while you’re enjoying your glass/cup of camote tops tea, let share some of its medicinal qualities. It’s a remedy for constipation or aids in regular bowel movement. It’s a remedy for stomach distress like those cause by indigestion. It helps maintain thyroid hormones that prevents the thyroid from getting big. It helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol of patients with type 2 diabetes. According to Wiki. answers. com: Sweet potato tops are excellent sources of antioxidative compounds, mainly polyphenolics, which may protect the human body from oxidative stress that is associated with many diseases including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Sweet potato greens have the highest content of total polyphenolics among other commercial vegetables studied. Sweet potatoes contain protein, dietary fiber, lipid, and essential minerals and nutrients such as calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, aluminum and boron. Sweet potatoes are also important sources of vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and ascorbic acid. In recent years, it has been reported as well that this tea can help Dengue patients recover. Read more about this on an article here. Below is the nutritional value that every 100g of camote tops contain as taken from First Vita Plus website : 30 calcium 24 magnesium 373 potassium 13 sodium 49 phosphorus 85 chlorine 26 sulphur 0. 8 mg/kg iodine traces of manganese, copper and zinc Were you surprised that this cheap vegetable can be this nutritious? In fact, some people plant this in their backyards and just harvest them when they want to have them for salad or tea. How to cite Talbos Ng Kamote Tea Recipe and It’s Advantages, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Na Na by Trey Songz free essay sample
The Life of Trey Songz Trey Songz’s Real name is Tremaine Aldon Neverson. He just recently released a new song called â€Å"Na Na†. He is a Grammy Award nominated singer-songwriter, known for hit songs like â€Å"Can’t Help but Wait†. â€Å"Na Na†is an RB (Rhythm and Blues)/ soul song. Three important things to know are what â€Å"Na Na†is about, songs he has written, and what inspires him to sing. A few personal facts about Trey Songz are that he was born on November 28, 1984. His mother, April, was 17 when she had Trey. He was raised in a military family. At 29 years old he stands six feet 1 inch tall, and currently lives in Petersburg, Virginia. In his family he has 3 siblings, Forrest Neverson, Nikki Neverson, and Alex Neverson. Some movies he has starred in are â€Å"Texas Chainsaw 3D†, â€Å"Baggage Claim†and â€Å"Preachers Kid†. Not only is he an actor but he has produced a lot of popular songs. We will write a custom essay sample on Na Na by Trey Songz or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Trey Songz writes multiple different genres such as; RB/ soul, hip hop, and rap.. His most recent song that was released in 2014 and was named â€Å"Na Na†. Another popular song was named â€Å"Heart Attack†and was released in 2012. In 2010 he wrote another song called â€Å"Bottoms Up†. To kick off his singing career, he released his debut album â€Å"I Gotta Make It†in 2005. His second album was released in 2007 called â€Å"Trey Day†. In 2009 his third album â€Å"Ready†, was released. â€Å"Passion, Pain and Pleasure†was Trey’s fourth studio album and it was released on the day of September 14, of 2010. Songz’s most recent album named â€Å"Chapter V†was released on August 21, 2012. Trey had to have an inspiration that got him to write all of his songs. Trey’s mother, April (Gholson) Tucker, is the person who introduced him to his journey. She convinced him to enter in nearby talent shows. When he w as littler he won a total of 20 different talent shows. While he was at one of the many talent shows he entered, he met his current producer, Troy Taylor. Trey’s friends were also very helpful and supportive in his decisions to enter into talents shows to possibly become a singer. Songz’s mother, producer, and his friends in were all very supportive in his career choice and are his inspirations to keep singing-songwriting. His mother was 17 when Trey was born. Trey Songz has had 5 Album through his career as a singer-songwriter such as his first album â€Å"Chapter V†and his debut album â€Å"I Gotta Make It†. His mother is what keeps him pursuing his career in being a singer-songwriter. â€Å"Na Na†by Trey Songz is an RB/ soul song. At first he didn’t think singing would be his career choice but he was incorrect. Anyone who can sing can become a singer they just need to strive for it.
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